About Reflection Clothing

Hi there! Like most of you out there, we are just your average teenagers. Yep, we are teens who have a dream, a dream to share Jesus' love through fabric! Our job according to 2 Corinthians 3:18 ("And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit.), is to reflect God's amazing glory and love. Our inspiration for our name is the moon. We chose this because we want to reflect as much as we can of Jesus, like the moon and the sun. We hope you enjoy our shirts! 

We have been divided into specific groups in order to work as a functioning body, to provide the best quality for our company! 

About the Design Team 

Ariel, Justice, Gabe, Sam, and Cynthia, all five of us make up the design team. Blessed with wild imaginations you will often find us doodling on our science handouts, graffiting (did we spell that right?) illegible words or phrases on homework, creating cartoons, or even sketching blueprints of the most bizarre thoughts :). This ocean of creativity, pure talent, and love for the Lord inspires endless possibilities in this little class of eighteen. Our goals are to bring about breath-taking, symbolic designs that direct people to the Truth with an awesomeness that will blow your socks off!

About the Accounting Team 

We, the accounting team, hope that in our mission, that we can show that we use money for good uses in the sight of God, something that will please Him. We hope to provide the highest quality clothing at the most affordable price. And we hope to maintain our amount of money we get, so we can keep this Christ-loving business on the go, world wide, for our universal God.  


 About the Marketing Team

Welcome to the Marketing Department. We "marketers" wanted to tell you a bit about ourselves. Our job here at Reflection clothing, is to advertise our products. We attempt to get our name out to represent Christ. Our goal is to put these shirts in as many stores as possible and spread the Love of Jesus. 

About the Manufacturing Team 

Our job in manufacturing is to assemble out information about T-shirts. We look for the greatest prices and the best quality. Our manufacturing team is made up of five dedicated fabricators from SYVCA (our school). Our job is to assemble information of the prices and compare them to other companies. Aaron, David, Demari, Graydon, and Heather's skills to find the greatest deal in Santa Barbara county are unfathomable. We promise to sell you shirts of value. 

CONTACT US AT: reflectionclothing318@gmail.com 

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